谁帮我弄个关于《friend ship》的英语两人对话

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 20:05:06
只要1分多钟就可以了~谢谢了 快考试了~急


peter: tom, we have been bosom friends for a long time, aren't we?

tom: you bet, peter, why do you ask me such a silly question. we have been friends since childhood.

peter: you are correct, tom, but i wonder if you have considered what exactly the true meaning of friendship is?

tom: ok, peter, a true friendship means they must trust each other and rely on each other.

peter: abosolutely, tom, and i think a true friendship means more than just sharing happiness and profits but sharing resposibility and sadness in life as well.

tom: i can't agree with you any more! although we haven't experienced many difficulties together, and i believe when you are in trouble, i will give you a hand without any hesitation!

peter: thank you tom, this is what i have been thinking about as well. i hope our friendship will last for ever.

tom: it will, peter.