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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:59:31
Dam Safety: A National Concern
Dams bring water, power, flood control, recreation, economic possibilities and many other advantages to people. But people must understand that safe operation and maintenance is key to sustaining these advantages and avoiding potential disaster.

Since 1998, the recorded number of deficient dams (those with structural or hydraulic deficiencies leaving them susceptible to failure) has risen by 85%—from 1,818 to 3,361. While federally owned dams are in good condition, and there have been modest gains in repair, the number of dams identified as unsafe is increasing at a faster rate than those being repaired.

The Association of State Dam Safety Officials, in its October 2003 report entitled "The Cost of Rehabilitating Our Nation’s Dams", estimated that $10.1 billion would be needed to repair the most critical dams over the next 12 years. Out of this, needed repairs at publicly owned dams are estimated at $5.9 billion with







H.R. 3224 是2007年由国会议员约翰。萨拉查提出的大坝复原与修补法案,该法案将拨款2亿美元给各州,用于对存在问题的水坝进行修补或拆除,从而改善公有水坝的安全性。


自1998年以来,所记录的一些不足水坝(那些结构或液压不足使他们容易失败)上升了85 % ,从1818年至3361 。虽然联邦拥有水坝是处于良好状态,并出现了温和上涨的修复,人数确定为不安全水坝增加速度高于那些被修复。

该协会的国家大坝安全官员在其2003年10月,一份题为“恢复成本我国水坝” ,估计一百〇一点〇亿美元将需要修复的最关键的水坝,在未来12年之久。 Out of this, needed repairs at publicly owned dams are estimated at $5.9 billion with the remainin