
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 03:37:12
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简略点的。。谢谢你们了 很急‘1

Greece spends a period including two stages: The first stages are politics , culture , philosophy and science aspect expansion and create a stage; Second stages are to create impulsion consuming the reactionary stage having shown the east almost to the end , in the field of matter and spirit to west. Greece is molten getting up to civilized propagation having arrived at the immeasurable effect, the effect to future generations does not admit ignoring. This has to for a short while phase, mention one people: Yibi turtledove Shandong. Yibi turtledove Shandong is born in Saimosi in B.C. for 342 years, in B.C. dies in Athens for 270 years. He has led a reactionary tide resisting Bolatu and Aristotelian idealism philosophy. From that history of science comes up, Yibi turtledove Shandong is philosophy problem , but not science problem though the what be concerned with problem is main , he is the theory having built on Democritean atomic theory basis

Greece spends a period including