
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 03:47:27

是宾州创始人William Penn设计规划的。
Penn began to design a new city (in effect he was America’s first city planner) which he titled Philadelphia ("Brotherly Love"), and conceived of it as a "greene country town, which will never be burnt, and always wholesome”.[88] He selected a neck of land, of about twelve hundred acres, between two principal rivers, the Delaware and the Schuylkill, upriver from New Castle.[89] His design for a wall-less city laid out a rectangular grid with large lots, dividing the municipality into four quadrants, with two main streets going east-west and north-south, and the other east-west streets named after trees. By the following year, the city was expanding westward from the Delaware waterfront, whose first residents had lived in caves just a few years earlier.[90]

纽约(New York)