
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:29:51
pillowcase pair

a thin red line, connects between lovers,connects with the one that sleeps beside you. it is believed that everyoune's pinkie has an invisible red line that leads to his/her lover. lover's Pillowcase,design by milife, let you know that your lover,which is connected by this thin red line is right beside you .and with the secret pocket that's inside the pillowcase,you can keep our personal belonging inside,or give your lover a little surprise

一条细细的红线,把相爱的人连在一起,连着着那个睡在你旁边的人。 我始终相信每个人的小指上都无形的拴着一根红线,而那一头则一定是你最爱的人,情侣枕头套,是我亲手设计的,就是让你知道你小指头上红线那头的人正睡在你的旁边,在枕套的里面有神秘的枕头,你可以把你们私人的物品放在里面,也可以给你的爱人一点小小的惊喜 ~~~