After graduating from school is to learn, or go out to work?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 04:12:15
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毕业后是继续离校学习 还是出去工作?
理由是什么...我要写一篇英语四级的作文 围绕上面的话题

After graduating from school ,one is to further his /her study , or to go out to work? It is always a puzzling question for us young students.People also have different ideas about it .(第一小节总的说一下 是继续学业还是上班对年轻的学生来说是个困惑的问题)

Some people think one should futher his /her study. First ,they think years of school is not enough for young people to be suited in the society ,they need much more knowledge. Second,________________.Besides,_____________________.(这小节说一部分人认为要继续深造,然后列举原因,我说了一个就是在校学习的知识不足以适应社会,还要再多学习,你可以再举一两个例子填到空格处)

However,others think one should go out to work .Because nowadays to find a good job is rather difficult.One can also stugy while he /she is working.What's more ,____________________.(这小节写另一部分人认为工作难找,应该马上找工作,以后边工作边学习。你再补充个理由说上班的好处,在空格处,比如说可以环节经济压力等。)

In my opinion ,I agree with the ____________________.(最后总结陈述一下自己的观点,你赞成哪一种,因为你觉得? 比较适合你。

说明: 给你的是写作议论文的万能结构框架,以后类似的文章都可以按照这样的模式。关联词要长使用,注意时态不要搞错,就能得高分了。)
