
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/13 05:00:24
I also often think people marry much too quick, it is easy to find somebody you like, even to fall in love with and any optimist wants to think it can and will last forever. It is experience in relationships that shows it is not that simple. It always needs time to really get to know each other, to know what the other wants or expects from life, to learn if you are willing to adapt to it without having to loose your own path or destiny and to know if you can really keep each other happy for the rest of life . If it already takes such a long time to know yourself how can they learn so quick about the other ?

Of course, as with all things in life, there are exeptions, and sometimes people just feel they are the right partners for life. Most often i think they are very easy-going, very free, love the simple things in life, love, friendship, kindness, things who are easy and free to get and one can control oneself so they will not change over time.
I understand your paren


ive enjoy it. thx



问题补充:我理解你的父母也越来越担心你的未来,我担心你的未来太多,我想你更好的生活与我在阳朔,我结婚,并有至少5美丽,快乐和幸福的孩子!我开玩笑,严重的是,他们只想要什么是最适合你(和家庭) ,问题是他们往往不知道究竟是最好的儿童时代变了这么多,近来,特别是在中国!在此之前,能够把食物摆在桌上,使身体健康,并发现有人来照顾他们足够的快乐,感受或需要其他被认为不一样重要,不应该抱怨。但是,目前这一代,人们喜欢你和我,有更多的认识生活中,有人要听他或她自己的需要得到真正的幸福,

