
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 07:16:08
Chocolate lovers know that eating chocolate makes them happy.Now it turns out that eating chocolate may also make them smarter.Dr.Bryan Raudenbush recently conducted a study to see how eating chocolate affects people's brains.The U.S. researcher knew that chocolate contained several stimulants.But he wasn't sure how those stimulants actually affected chocolate eaters.

To find out,Raudenbush had a group of volunteers eat 85 grams of milk chocolate.He asked another group to eat no chocolate at all.After 15 minutes,he tested their memory and their ability to solve problems.

The group that ate milk chocolate had higher scores.They were able to remember more words and pictures than the group that did not eat chocolate,Raudenbush concluded that the stimulants in chocolate increased mental alertness.

Of course,eating chocolate doesn't guarantee you'll pass every test.You'll still need to study!

The result of the tes

test在这里指的是Dr.Bryan Raudenbush 的巧克力测试,不是“考试”的意思~

A.the group that ate chocolate had higher crores than the group that did't eat

因为问题问得是考试结果( result)

因为 (中文翻译)
A 吃巧克力的人拿的分比没吃巧克力的人的分高

B 那个在巧克力里的兴奋剂可以增加人的警觉状态
mental alertness = 警觉状态 stimulants = 兴奋剂


A.the group that ate chocolate had higher crores than the group that did't eat
