以Talk about events in the past为题,写一篇英文短文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 04:23:13

第一个 The person who influences me most
We all have someone in heart,with the great but unmentionable influence ,he or she gives us.Most of the time,we don't realized what he or she has left a strong effect on us,but in fact,we behave just like he or she wants us to do.
My mother loves to keep everything clean and tidy.She always cleans the house, washes all the dishes and tea pots and cups again every morning.She never lets a single hair disordered. And we have to wash the clothes every day,fold them in certain shapes and put them in place in different cases.she not only clean our house,our yard, but also the street in front of our family.
When I was a little girl, my mother always shouted at me when I disordered the house,or made my clothes dirty.I really hate it.But now in my life today,every time when I see my daughter's untidy room or unclean clothes ,I'll lose my temperature.No matter how I control myself,I get nervous when i see somet