帮忙翻译成英文 麻烦了 对我很重要

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 18:49:05
还有上次的英语测试 你问他喜欢什么样的人做男朋友 他是怎么回答的?
要120字 最少~!}!!!!!!!!!!!


I remember that you have recorded all the countries we will go to,right? Could you tell me where she is going?
BTW, how did she reply to you when you asked her what kind of boy did she prefer to be her boyfriend during last Englist test?


I remember you register the nation that we want, can tell me which is that he wants what to go ?

还有上次的英语测试 你问他喜欢什么样的人做男朋友 他是怎么回答的?
English that still has last time tests you ask him to like what kind of person do boyfriend, is he to how answer?

Can you tell me that where he would go as I remember you had registered the country we would arrive.
What did he reply during last English test when you asked him that with what kind of person he would like making boyfriend.


1.Could you tell me where he will go since you have registered those countries we were going to then in my memory?<