
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 08:52:42
目前流行最广、危害最严重的毒品是海洛因,海洛因属于阿片灯药物。在正常人的脑内和体内一些器官,存在着内源性阿片肽和阿片受体。在正常情况下,内源性阿片肽作用于阿片受体,调节着人的情绪和行为。人在吸食海洛因后,抑制了内源性阿片肽的生成,逐渐形成在海洛因作用下的平衡状态,一旦停用就会出现不安、焦虑、忽冷忽热、起鸡皮疙瘩、流泪、流涕、出汗、恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹 泻等。这种戒断反应的痛苦,反过来又促使吸毒者为避免这种痛苦而千方百计地维持吸毒状态。冰毒和摇头丸在药理作用上属中枢兴奋药,毁坏人的神经中枢。

Originating in Asia Minor, strong adaptability, from the southern tip of Africa to the Earth's climate in northern Moscow, it can grow. Poppy for the annuals, plants one meters high and 5 meters, the flower is blue-violet or white, silver leaf green, split or jagged. Poppy backward, in the top to form an oval-shaped fruit - poppy fruit. Check poppy fruit across the skin, will be out of milky juice. Fruit exposed to air dry after the condensation, that is, to brown or black, and that is raw opium. Raw opium is refined to generate morphine, morphine and then by chemical substances that generate heroin refining.
From the raw opium poppy with a round block, or brick-shaped pie for sale, later to crush or further processing. The active ingredient for opium alkaloids, most notably morphine. After the use of opium addiction, can cause debilitating physical and spiritual decadence, but also shorten the life span. Excessive use can cause acute poisoning, due to respiratory depressi