
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 10:57:00
从前,有一个名叫Magic的寝室,这个寝室包括6个人,A,B,C,D,E和F。从他们住进来开始,他们就为了争夺寝室的领导权进行着不断的战争。随着战事的进展,他们分成了两个集团,CD和ABE,其中B还是官方寝室长。而F,则担当着战争背景的角色,属于中立国,然而,随着时间的流逝,C开始对争夺感到厌倦,终于他发明了终极武器:分歧终端机。成员们一致同意通过分歧终端机来裁决,输者将离开Magic。~~~结果,E首先离开了寝室,随后,A与B也要比翼齐飞,这样,寝室恢复了往日的平静,C叹息时说:21世纪什么最重要?和谐! 从此,C变接替B成为了寝室新的统治者,他便有了一个新的名字:奥巴马!


Once upon a time, there was a bedroom called "Magic". There were 6 people lived in the bedroom, A, B, C, D, E, and F. Since the day they moved in, the war fighting for the crown of this bedroom started and never stopped. As the war continues, they splitted into two companies - CD and ABE. B was the official room head. F, on the other hand, was a neutral role between the two companies and acted as the background of this war. However, as time goes on, C became tired and bored of all the fighting and finally invented the Ultimate Weapon: the "Terminator of Confliction". All the roommates agreed to solve their issues with the "Terminator of Confliction" and decided that the loser will be leaving the bedroom, Magic. As a result, E was the first to leave. A and B left as well. Peace was finally granted to the bedroom once again. C sighed,"What is the single most important thing in 21st century?! It is Peace!" Since then, C re