
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 17:20:45
1.I like the house whose window faces south.
定语从句,这是一种表达形式。若这么表达:the window on which 句子应当如何改写?

This is the village ____ he lived. Where?
That was the day ____ he spent the happiest time. When?
This is the room ____ he used to live. Where还是which?
Is this the place ____ you visited last time? 用that.which都行吧?


1. I like the house of which the window faces south.或 I like the house the window of which faces south.

2. This is the village _where___ he lived. Where在从句中做地点状语,所以用where. 如果是 he lived in则用which 或that, 做in 的宾语。
That was the day that/which he spent the happiest time. spend some time/ money in/ on (doing) sth. spend 是及物动词,必须有宾语,所以用which 或that 在从句中做spend 的宾语。
This is the room ____ he used to live. Where(同上1)
Is this the place ____ you visited last time? 用that.which都行,代替the place 在从句中做宾语。

1 I like the house the window on which faces south.
2 where(WHERE代替IN THE VILLAGE在从句中作地点状语) which(that可能也行,就是和前面的重复了。spend the day ,spend 是及物动词)where(where 代替in the room在从句中作地点状语)that 或which(visit是及物动词)
when 和where 都是关系副词,当后面的从句已经是一句完整的话时用关系副词,当先行词是表时间的词时用WHEN,当先行词是表地点的词时用WHERE

I like the house the window on which faces south.

This is the room ____ he used to live. 是Where
Is this the place ____ you visited last tim