
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:39:45
Previous studies reported that the female external auditory canal is longer and thinner than the male and proposed that the smaller volume of the female outer auditory canal amplified low levels of OAEs, thus making them easier to detect [5]. As a result, these authors suggested that the sex-dependent difference in the external auditory canal led to the differences in OAEs. In fact, sexual dimorphism also has been noted in other auditory structures, such as the length of the cochlear and the distribution and the amount of OHCs.
SSOAEs are presumably generated in the mammalian cochlea by the spontaneous electromotile response of OHCs [18]. The sex-dependent differences in the frequency distribution of SSOAEs may relate to the amount of OHCs between the sexes [8,19].
Sato et al [28] reported that the mean cochlear length was significantly longer in males (37.1±1.6 mm) than in females (32.3±1.8 mm), and it did not vary with postnatal age in either sex. Nadol et al [29] and Ule

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可能产生SSOAEs耳蜗的哺乳动物的自发性electromotile OHCs反应[d]。不同的频率分布sex-dependent SSOAEs可能涉及的金额OHCs 8,19两性之间的[]。
佐藤魏厚仁(28日)报道说,这意味着耳蜗长度较长在男性(371±16毫米)比女性(323±1.8毫米),它不随产后年龄。Nadol魏厚仁(29岁)和Ulehlova魏厚仁[30]表明不再cochleas有更多的内部和外部的头发比短cochleas细胞。这些研究的基础上,这是合乎逻辑的,上面有更多OHCs得出这样的结论:男性比女性。相反的,很多文献包含一个更高的顶置凸轮轴计数在女性[5,19]。所以,sex-dependent OHCs量的差异仍然不够清楚,并说明了不同的频率分布sex-dependent SSOAEs的性别差异的数额的OHCs仍然模棱两可。