
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:06:07
假设你是世格国际贸易公司(DESUN TRADING CO.,LTD.)的业务员Minghua Zhao,你收到了加拿大NEO公司(NEO GENERAL TRADING CO.)签返的编号为DTC5210的销售确认书,双方约定信用证不迟于11月25前到达,但现在期限已到,却仍未收到信用证。因此请你给NEO公司的业务员Andy Burns去函催证,并提醒对方我方通知行为“中国银行上海分行”,而非只是“中国银行”,以免寄错。写信时间为2005年11月25日。

Dear Andy Burns,

We have received the Sales Confirmations(No.DTC5210), and as stipulation in the Sales Confirmations you will open the L/C before Nov.25th,2008. But now the openning time is overdue,we still don't receive the L/C from your company. Please confirm if there is any problem.

And I would like to remind you that our Notify bank is the " Bank of China Shanghai branch ", not the "Bank of China ". Please find this.

Your mail reply will be highly appreciated.

Best Regards

Minghua Zhao