英语翻译 加 名片写作 ,

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:38:57
This part is to rest your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a business card according to the following instructions given in English.

Mr.Wang Fei is the Personnel(人事)Manager of the Branch of Great China Ltd.His sddress is Personnel Department,16th floor,Dongfang Building,15Hua Xia Road,Post Code:8800089;E-mail:wfei@hotmail.com,Tel:0991-8376278,and Fax:0990-8376348.Design a businese card in English for him.

帮我写下作文 格式要对
我是大一的 内容不能过哦



王飞先生是大中华公司都人事经理,他的(sddress?应该是address吧,呵呵)地址是华夏路15号,东方楼,16楼,人事部 邮编:8800089 E-mail:wfei@hotmail.com 电话:0991-8376278 传真:0990-8376348 请用英文为他设计一张名片