关于lagrangian function的题

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 02:01:16
Ted`s income is 120pounds per month, and his utility function is U=X1X2+10X1,where X1 and X2 are the quantities of the only two products that he buys.
(1) write out the lagrangian function
(2) find the demand equations for X1 and X2
(3) is good 1 normal or inferior? is good 2 normal or inferior?
(4) what is the price elasticity of demand for good 1? for good 2?
(5) comment on your results.

L = X1X2+10X1 - (P1X1 + P2X2-120)

剩下你自己解吧,求偏导数,令偏导数等于0,即可得出X1 、X2的需求函数表达式。

lagrangian function
1.By analysing the applied conditions of lagrangian function and Hamilton's principlein the quantum wave field, we have deduced the formality of its field equation. Inaddition, we have made in detail its calculation of the kinetic energy of the particlewith a potential energy V ( x) in the wave field.
2.Based on atmospheric diffusion K theory with its turbulent exchange coefficient as afunction of the lagrangian time scale and standard variance of the turbulence inatmosphere, the atmospheric dispersion PDF models are obtained, in which thestatistics of wind speed are directly used as its parameters instead of traditionaldispersion parameters.
3.To im