
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 00:30:07
起初她的不适感并没有引起大家包括她本人在内的足够重视,直到她被腰部的疼痛折磨得彻夜不眠,脸色也日见苍白才意识到去医院检查。很不幸,**的检查结果出乎了所有人的意料,从她的只言片语中我们隐约得知她患上了宫颈癌,并且不能手术只可以采取保守治疗。大家在震惊之余更多的是不敢相信这一切发生在平日和蔼可亲,工作勤恳,一直陪在我们身边的**身上!然而事实是残酷的,出结果的第二天,**来办公室移交工作,她无神的双眼和明显消瘦的脸颊让我们触目惊心,她仿佛一夜之间苍老了许多。大家事先说好要控制情绪不要影响她,纷纷说着一些安慰鼓励的话语和宽心的笑话,这期间她只是用无助、留恋而又绝望的眼神望着办公室里的事物,反复摸着病例本上“宫颈癌” 几个字,缓缓地说放不下还在上大学的女儿,大家都哽咽了...

About reports of xxx's sickness
It's been some time since xxx got in hospital. During this period of nearly three months, XXX can be said to have experienced the hardest and gloomiest time in her life.
At first her discomfort didn't draw sufficient attention of family, including herself until the waist pain tortured her the whole night to such an extent that she could't sleep at all and she looked paler and paler day after day so that they realized it is necessary to go to hospital and have a health checkup. Unfortunately, the results were beyond everyone's expectations. We learned from her few vague words that she suffered from cervical cancer.



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With regard to reports of sick **
Distance ** illness has been hospitalized for some time, and in this period of nearly three months, ** can be said to have experienced life in a gloomy period of the mo