来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 20:38:15
Evanescence - Hello

Playground schoolbell rings, again 学校操场的铃声又响了
Rainclouds come to play, again 乌云又来了
Has no one told you she's not breathing? 没人告诉你她已经逝去?
Hello, I'm your mind 好 我想
giving you someone to talk to 有些人在说着你的思念
Hello 好

If I smile and don't believe 如果我笑着不相信
Soon I know I'll wake from this dream 我知道我很快从梦中醒来
Don't try to fix me 不要试着给我安排
I'm not broken 我还没有为受伤
Hello, I'm the lie living for you so you can hide 好 你能你掩藏我的谎言
Don't cry 别哭

Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping 我突然知道我睡不着觉
Hello, I'm still here 好 我仍然在这儿
all that's left of yesterday 遗忘昨天的一切


Evanescence - Hello

Playground schoolbell rings, again 学校操场的铃声又响了
Rainclouds come to play, again 乌云又来了
Has no one told you she's not breathing? 没人告诉你她已经逝去?
Hello, I'm your mind 好 我想
giving you someone to talk to 有些人在说着你的思念
Hello 好

If I smile and don't believe 如果我笑着不相信
Soon I know I'll wake from this dream 我知道我很快从梦中醒来
Don't try to fix me 不要试着给我安排
I'm not broken 我还没有为受伤
Hello, I'm the lie living for you so you can hide 好 你能掩藏我的谎言
Don't cry 别哭

Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping 我突然知道我睡不着觉
Hello, I'm still here 好 我仍然在这儿
all that's left of yesterday 遗忘昨天的一切



Evanescence – Hello

Playground school bell rings, again 操场铃声再次响起
Rain clouds come to play, again 雨云又来相聚嬉戏
Has no one told you she's not breathing? 难道没人告诉你她已不再呼吸?
Hello, I'm your mind, 嗨,我在你的