
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 17:34:46

2. 在经济萧条期间,公司遭遇到财政困难。


4. 因为一句小小的玩笑,他们之间发生了一场争吵。

1. 由于糖用完了,她没做蛋糕。

2. 母亲对她那个自私的儿子彻底失望了。

3. 老板指派我在第一个月里做秘书工作。

4. 有时大人也会上小孩的当。

5. 他一看到血就头晕。

1. 考试得高分不等于聪明。

2. 他决心以优异的成绩来感谢老师和同学们的帮助。

3. 他利用她的无知,骗取了她的信任。

4. 长坐不动的习惯往往有害于身体。

5. 孩子们将来一定会意识到,父母不管做什么都是为了他们好。

1. I always have different kinds of small items in my pocket.

2. Companies experience financial crisis during economic depressions.

3. Joint bindings between companies and corporations bring us many opportunities to contact with foreigners.

4. They were in a conflict just because of a simple joke.

5. Even after her husband passed away, she still raised her three daughters as kindly and gentally as she always did.

1. Because all the sugar was used up, she did not make the cake.

2. The mother was completely disappointed at her selfish son.

3. My boss occupied me to be a secretary as my job for the first month.

4. Sometimes, even the adults get tricked by the kids.

5. He experiences dizziness as soon as he sees blood.

1. Getting high marks on tests does not mean he/she is smart.

2. He decided to thank his teachers and classmates by achieving sup