我妹妹要做一个science fair但是我要搜集资料..所以请你们帮一下忙。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 18:11:50
DO younger taster buds have a better sense of taste?

Moldy food caused by degeneration of the main reasons 3 aspects:

1, microbial mischief. Environment ubiquitous presence of microorganisms, food production, processing, transportation, storage, sales process, can easily be microbial contamination. As long as temperature, microbial growth and reproduction will, decomposition of the nutrients in food to meet their own needs. At this time of protein in food has been destroyed, food will be issued and the sour smell, loss of the original tenacity and flexibility, the color will change.

2, the role of enzymes. Animal food in a variety of enzymes, in the role of enzymes, food nutrients are broken down into a variety of low-grade product. Peacetime see rancid fat rice, fruit rot, that is, enzymes break down carbohydrates to be a post-fermentation.

3, the Food and chemical reactions. Oils and fats are easily oxidized, resulting in a series of chemical reactions, oxidation of oils and fats have smell, such