
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 00:35:27

前不久曾误杀傲游、暴风影音、电驴、搜狗输入法、迅雷、金山、超级兔子、Windows清理助手等十几款著名软件的瑞星再次曝出重大安全事故!从11月7日上午9时起,无数网友陆续在各个论坛反映,自己的Outlook Express内的邮件突然被全部删除。经了解,该问题是由于瑞星软件的故障所导致。

Not long ago had Maxthon manslaughter, StormCodec, eDonkey, Sogou input method, Thunderbolt, Golden Hill, the super rabbit, Windows clean-up more than a dozen aides and other well-known software Ruixing paragraph once again discovered a major security incidents! From November 7 9:00 onwards, countless friends one after another in various forums to reflect their own Outlook Express mail suddenly deleted. After understanding that the issue is due to software failures Ruixing lead.
It is understood that the antivirus software on the user's computer to other software "false positives" or "manslaughter" would have been more common phenomenon. Rising like the result of software failure and large-scale optical users delete e-mail security incidents can be said to be extremely rare.