
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 07:29:34

分号有时又称为小句号。它表示一个停顿,其停顿时间在逗号与冒号的停顿时间之间。文章如采用许多分号,其风格则变得严肃、正式。为了正确使用分号,有必要先学会辨认主句。当两个主句没有任何连接词(and, but, or, nor, for)连接而出现在同一个句子里,这时最好采用分号使之分离。分号的主要作用很简单,它常用于分离没有连接词连接的句子。但最好不要在从句之间形成如此之强的停顿。如果你要连接从句,而又不愿意用连接词时,则采用分号。

The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feel.

You don't write because you want to say something; you write because you've got something to say.

In the past, boy babies were often dressed in blue; girls, in pink.

Can't you see it's no good to go on alone; we'll starve to death if we keep traveling this way much longer.

John F. Kennedy said at his inaugural speech, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

Our power to apprehend truth is limited; to seek it, limitless.

Science needs to be lived alongside religion, philosophy, history and esthetic experience; alone it can lead to great harm.