
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 12:31:07
The ass and his purchaser
1.A man wanted to buy an ass.He went to the market ,and saw a likely one.But he wanted to test him first.
2.So he look the ass home,and put him into the stable with the other asses.The new ass looked around,and immediately went to choose a place next to the laziest ass in the stable.
3.When the man saw this he put a halter on the ass at once,and gave him back to his owner.
4.The owner felt quite surprised.He asked the man,‘Why are you back so soon?Have you tested him already?''"I don't want to test him any more,''replied the man ,"From the companion he chose for himself,I could see what sort of animal he is.''

1. 有个人想买只驴. 他去了市场,看到了一只喜欢的,他想买但是想先试试看.
2. 所以他把那只驴带到家里,然后把它和其他的驴一起放在棚里.那只驴看了看,然后立刻选择了坐在一只最懒的驴旁.
3. 那个人看到了那个情况,他用笼头扣着驴然后就带回给它的主人.
4. 驴的主人很意外的问: "你为什么那么快就回来了?你试了这只驴的实力了?"