
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 22:18:23
The Blairites also reckon there is a straight political gain since, they believe it places Mr Hague in a quandary.

He has referred in militaristic tones to the drumbeat of English nationalism, and called for English votes for English laws. But there are also powerful Unionist voices inside the Conservative party, not least Lord Cranborne and Michael Ancram, the chairman.

Gordon Brown claims that Mr Hague, by becoming so obsessed by the break up of Britian, has missed the essential British magic. "Perhaps uniquely in the world, Britain is not just a society of many communities, but also a country of nations - with large, contiguous areas of distinct national heritage.

"Instead of a bland Britain, Britain is buzzing with difference; no longer a state in monochrome, but a nation in living colour.".

该Blairites也算有一个直接的政治利益,因为他们认为,地方在海牙先生窘境。 他提到在军国主义色调的鼓声英语民族主义,并要求英语票英文法律。但也有一些强大的统一的声音保守党内,至少克兰伯恩勋爵和迈克尔安克拉姆,主席。 英国财政大臣布朗称,他海牙,成为如此痴迷的打破了英国,已经错过了重要的英国魔术。 “也许是世界上独一无二的,英国不仅是一个社会的许多社区,也是一个国家的国家-大,毗连地区的独特民族遗产。
“相反的乏味英国,英国是充满了差异;不再是一个国家的单色,但一个民族的生活色彩。 ” 。