
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 20:57:29
After the war of 1866, which had resulted in the humiliation of Austria, the House of Habsburg contemplated a revanche on the battlefield. Only the tragic end of the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico prevented a still closer collaboration with France. The chief blame for Maximilian’s disastrous expedition was attributed to Napoleon III and the fact that the Frenchman left him in the lurch aroused a general feeling of indignation. Yet the Habsburgs were still lying in wait for their opportunity. If the war of 1870–71 had not been such a singular triumph, the Viennese Court might have chanced the game of blood in order to get its revenge for Sadowa. But when the first reports arrived from the Franco-German battlefield, which, though true, seemed miraculous and almost incredible, the ‘most wise’ of all monarchs recognized that the moment was inopportune and tried to accept the unfavourable situation with as good a grace as possible.


战争结束后的1866年,奥地利造成的屈辱,众议院的哈布斯堡设想复仇。只有墨西哥皇帝马克西米阻止与法国进行更密切的合作。行政责任马西米兰的灾难性的探险是因为拿破仑三世,即法国人留下了他,引起了人们普遍感到愤慨。然而,哈布斯堡家族仍然在等待他们的机会。如果1870年至1871年的战争还没有这样一个奇怪的胜利,维也纳法院获得其报复 萨多瓦战役。但是,当第一次报告来自法国和德国的战场,虽然如此,似乎不可思议,几乎难以置信的最明智的'所有君主承认,目前是不合时宜的,并试图接受不利形势良好的宽限期尽可能。
