
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 22:16:13

A new year has come, and I would leave the big family which gave me so much happiness and sadness.

Thank you all for helping me in these two years, which helped me grow up so much. I do like here, but there is still something and someone I don't want to see.

Wish you all the best in the coming year!

Thank you!

New year is coming, but I am leaving this big family which made me happy made me sad.
I am so appreciate what all of you did, you helped me a lot and made me grow up. I wish I could be here, but there are something and some people I don't want to see.
At last, wish you all good luck in the new year.
Thank you.

The new year is coming ,and it is the time for me to leave the family which made me happy and sorry ! Thanks to everyone's help I feel much stronger in both mental and physicl in the past 2 years . I feel like at home here ,but there are also some things I do not except .
E `at last I wish ev