
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 19:56:06

If what you said to me had been said to another girl before,then how can I accept your tender?

If your words to me have been said to her once, how shall I accept your sweetness?

if you had said the exactly same thing to her that you said to me, how do you expect me to accept your tenderness?

If the words you said to me have been said to some other girl bofore,how did you expect me to accept your tenderness?

If what you said to me is also said to her, how can I accept your tender?

If you ever said these words to me and to her.How can I accept you tender any more?

你的恋人曾经说过什么让你特别感动的话吗?讲一下啊。 你知道哪些明星曾经说过的话? 她曾说过喜欢我 也说过爱我 可是? 我曾经对她说过很难听的话,不知道还能不能挽回? 求:这里发生的一切让我想起你曾经对我说过的话 的翻译~~ 女孩子是不是很在意男朋友的话,如果我说过的话,你觉得她会记住吗 于丹配当教授吗?她曾说过几句话,是形容失去了不可能再回来:失去的机会,说过的话,傻子也知道啊! №他(她)对你说过◆让你最感动▲的话∈→ 你现在交往的男(女)朋友说的一些话,经常会让你想起已经分手的他(她)也曾经说过类似的话,你会怎么办 如果一个男生对你不错且像你表白过之前他朋友也像你说过同样的话但最后朋友伤害了你,你认为他对你是真的