25. ________ and the lecture began.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 11:50:41
25. ________ and the lecture began.
a. In the professor comes b. In the professor comes
c. In came the professor d. In comes the professor
26. The old woman is ________ composer as any younger.
a. as good a b. such good a c. as a good d. so good a
27. He has _________ the courage she has.
a. as twice b. twice c. twice as much d. twice as

25。 选C。根据began这个词,句子整体是过去时,排除B和D。这里C的意思是完全倒装句,表示方位的副词in放句首,句子完全倒装。

26。 选D。考点是such和so修饰名词时候的用法。如果用such,你要说such a good composer,因为such修饰对象是名词。而so修饰形容词,所以要用D。如果这道题你要选as,a不能漏掉,要说as good a composer as。。。。

27。 题目有误吧,应该在she前有个as。如果这样的话,答案选C。倍数表达法,倍数+as+形容词原形+as。
