
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:32:24


I can't guarantee that you can find a job of teaching, but the opportunity of finding it was strong. You're a English native speaker, even if you do not have experience in teaching, there are also possibilities finding a job to teach English.

The job of volunteering and teaching English can do from Monday to Sunday , you can choose to do in your spare time .

I can't garentee but there's a big chance for you to find a job of teaching, you are an english native speaker, you will find the job even without any teaching experiece.

You can work as a volunteer or an enlish teacher from monday to sunday, just pick time whenver you like in your spare time.

I can not guarantee that you can certainly teach English to find work, but can find great opportunities. Your native English-speaking, even if there is no teaching experience, you are most likely to find work teaching English. To do volunteer work and teach English work, from Monday to