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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 04:15:57
The strength of the link increased with higher use of cannabis, and significant associations were present only among those who had used cannabis recently. Lifetime cannabis users, who had not taken the drug in the past year, were not at higher risk than those who had never used cannabis. The study set out to investigate the link between cannabis use and mental health among Dutch adolescents.

Information about 5551 young people aged 12-16 was drawn from the Dutch Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children survey, which was carried out as part of the international 2001 World Health Organisation project.

All participants in the study completed anonymous questionnaires that measured mental health and cannabis use, and also took into account possible confounding factors, such as smoking and alcohol use, which might have affected the results.
Among heavy cannabis users an association with thought and attention problems was found. Those using cannabis reported

The strength of the link increased with higher use of cannabis, and significant associations were present only among those who had used cannabis recently.
联系的程度随着大麻吸食得越多而越强,而只在最近一直吸食大麻的人中间才存在明显的关联度。Lifetime cannabis users, who had not taken the drug in the past year, were not at higher risk than those who had never used cannabis. 在过去一年里没有吸食毒品的终身大麻吸食者,并不比那些从未吸食大麻的人处于更高的风险中。The study set out to investigate the link between cannabis use and mental health among Dutch adolescents. 本研究旨在研究吸食大麻和荷兰青少年心理健康之间的联系

Information about 5551 young people aged 12-16 was drawn from the Dutch Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children survey, which was carried out as part of the international 2001 World Health Organisation project. 我们从“荷兰学龄儿童健康行为”调查中抽取5551名年龄在12~16岁的年轻人,该项调查是作为国际2001年世界卫生组织项目的一部分而进行的。
All participants in the study completed anonymous questionnaires that measured mental health and cannabis use, and also took into account possible confounding f