
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:20:08
请帮我查询,新加坡 09年1月25日晚10点 至 次日(26日)凌晨5点,新加坡有没有降雨?雨量大小,降雨的具体时间与结束时间!

Would you please help me check whether it rained in Singapore from January 25th,2009 at 22 o'clock at night till 5 o'clock the next morning.
And how large is the rainfall ? At what time did the rain exactly begin and stop?
Please do me the favor.The data is very important to me
Thanks for your help.Thanks

Please help me inquiry, Singapore in January 2009 25 to 10 o'clock the night the next day (26) 5:00, Singapore has no rain? Size rainfall, rainfall specific time and end time!
Please help me a favor, the data very, very important to me, thank you for your help Thank you