
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:19:34
我叫Jack。在我10岁生日那天,我父母送我一件礼物———机器人(robot)。我给它起名叫 超人。它可以替我坐很多事情。写一篇短文,80单词

My name is jack .in my 10-year-old birthday my parents prepare a present for me .it's a robot.I named it superman .he is my good friend .because he can do something and something I can't do it ! I love it .without the robot my life wouldn be chang ! I love my parents ! 希望你学习进步!

my name is jack .in my 10-year-old birthday my parents prepare a present for me .it's a robot.I named it superman .he is my good friend .because he can do something and something I can't do it ! I love it .without the robot my life wouldn be chang ! I love my parents !