
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 09:20:19
He lives in the damp blackness of vast forest, as the pygmies of Africa do to this every day.这句话的to this是否多余?放在这里怎么解释它的结构?
But, as I have said before, of these beginnings we know so very little.这里的of是不是多余的呢

He lives in the damp blackness of vast forest, as the pygmies of Africa do to this every day.

我们简化结构——“He lives in the blackness,as the pygmies do.”
可以看见,to this的确是多余的,并且是一个病句,因为do代表的是live,而live通常只接同源宾语life。或者说“He lives in the damp blackness of vast forest, as the pygmies of Africa do these days.”

But, as I have said before, of these beginnings we know so very little.
我们简化结构——“But of these beginnings we know very little.”

第一句话,to this是感觉比较多余,单独看这一句话,把to this去掉无论是从句意还是语法的角度来讲,都没有问题。反倒是放在这里,不知道to this指的是什么。
第二句话的of不能去掉,如果去掉,你会发现后面的句子有两个主语,即these beginnings和we都做主语。其实of these beginnings放到句子的后面你就不会感觉奇怪了,这个句子只是把它提前,表强调。这句话翻译过来就是:在这些开始当中,我们对此几乎一无所知。

1.你把句子抄错了,正确的原句是The primitive man lived in the damp blackness of vast forests,as the pygmies of Africa do to this day.
to this day是"至今,直到今天"的意思.整句话的意思是"原始人就象现在的非洲矮人一样,住在大森林中潮湿阴暗的地方。"