hiphop 用英语翻译下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 12:14:46

Hiphop is a kind of spirit,an attitude towards life,a true act,a self-denial state,a -self-transcendence freedom.

hiphop is a spirit, an attitude of life, a true act of a state of ecstasy, a kind of want the freedom of self-transcendence.

Hiphop is a spirit, an attitude of life, a behavior in reality, a self-forgetful state, a freedom detached from himself.

Hiphop is a spirit,an attitute of life,a real behavior,a ecstasy realm,also a freedom that means detached self .

Hiphop is a spirit, an attitude toward life, an action in reality, a state of dedication, and freedom obtained by detaching oneself


hiphop is a kind of spirit, an attitude towards life, a really true act , The realm of ecstasy ,a kind of freedom beyond self。