
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:24:18
I started following the Chinese New Year seriously several years ago . Let's face it , the Jan . 1 New Year celebration seems to get lost in the Christmas bustle —— too much turkey and too little time . The only resolution I would make and keep was not to make any resolutions so close to Christmastime .
pjfupeijie - 秀才 二级。。。翻译器翻的吧。。。你自己读读。。。是人话吗。。。抱歉。。。能不能通顺一点。。。


我开始在农历新年前几年严重。让我们面对现实吧,在1月1新年庆祝活动似乎被人们遗忘的圣诞喧闹-土耳其和太多的时间太少。唯一的解决我要保持没有作出任何决议,以便接近圣诞节l 楼下别剽窃答案