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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 11:41:43
三、谦虚谨慎,办事公道,热情服务 谦虚谨慎,应是秘书人员应具有的美德。秘书人员不能因为在领导身边工作而自命不凡、自以为是,要平等地同各职能部门商量工作,虚心听取他们的意见,在工作中要善于协调矛盾,搞好合作。 办事要公道正派。秘书人员对领导对群众都要一视同仁,秉公办事,平等相待。切忌因人而异,亲疏有别,更不能看来头办事情。只有公道正派的秘书人员,才能做到胸襟宽阔,在工作中充满朝气和活力。 热情服务。秘书人员要把为领导服务,为本单位各职能部门服务,为群众服务当作自己的神圣职责,要充分认识自己所从事的工作所具有的重要作用

Second, work conscientiously, willing unsung heroes, that is, officers asked the Clerk to immerse ourselves in hard work, patience. Secretary of the nature of the work, to determine their main task is to work. We should focus on the work of the leadership to carry out activities requiring bills to come on the capable, in specific and intensive work, the down-to-earth, practical and close ties with the masses, excluding personal gains and losses, with the spirit of hard and even make compromises. <br> Third, modest and prudent, act fair, modest enthusiasm services should be a secretarial staff should have the virtue. Secretarial staff can not work in leading the side pretentious, self-righteous, to an equal footing with the functional departments to discuss the work with an open mind to listen to their views, in their work to be good at coordination of contradictions, do a good job of co-operation. Things have to be fair and honest. Secretarial staff of the leadership of the m