
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 05:49:18



I Won’t Be So Careless Again!
One day I went out and left my key in the house. When I came back, I found I couldn’t get in without my key. What should I do? After a moment, I got an idea. I picked up a big stone and was ready to break the window. Suddenly there came a deep voice, "What are you doing?" I turned over and saw a policeman was behind me. It took me quite a long time to explain myself. I won’t be so careless again.
有一天,我走了出去,离开时我的钥匙在家里。当我回来时,我发现我不能没有我的钥匙。我应该怎么办?过了一会儿以后,我有了想法。我拿起一个大石头,并准备打破窗口。突然有了深刻的声音说, “你在做什么? ”我转过身,看到了一个警察在我身后。我花了相当长的一段时间来解释一下。我不会这么不小心了。
My Grandmother
My grandma likes gardening very much. She’s over sixty,but she is still busy with her work. She grows all sorts of flowers and plants in her small garden. It’s interesting that all the flower