
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 16:06:38

You promised me that you'd stay with me forever and never treat me coldly.你说过你会一直在我身边,不会对我冷淡
But how's it now?但现在呢?
What the hell am I for you?我到底是你什么?(the hell 是加重语气的,有TM的意思,不想加就把the hell 去了。)

You promised me you would be always with me, and wouldn't be tired of me. But what happened now? Who on earth do you think I am for you?
楼上用的the hell语气太重了,有些太粗口。。。

you told me that you will be always with me ,will not be unconcerned?
but now ? who am i to you!