
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 10:31:28

M1:match sth with sth(将…和…配对) write down(写下)
pen friend(笔友) each other(互相) enjoy oneself(过得快乐)
all the time(一直) welcome to(欢迎来…) in class(在课堂上)
help with sb/sth(帮助…) make mistakes(犯错) be shy(害羞)
ask for advice about(询求…的建议) the meaning of(…的意思)
take a deep breath(深呼吸)
M2:take off(起飞) come true(成为现实) more than(多于)
sell out(卖光) roast duck(烤鸭) the price of(…的价钱)
take off from(从…起飞) the first prize(一等奖)
enter a competition(参加竞赛) on television(在电视里)
exciting experience(激动人心的经历) all over China(全中国)
an Air China captain(中国民航机长) fly to(坐飞机前往…)
at the end(最后) look at(浏览) Bye for now(就此止笔)
M3:space station(太空站) space shuttle(航天飞机)
solar system(太阳系) space travel(太空之旅)
the latest news(最新消息) there and back(往返)
be on business(出差) millions of(数百万) a part of(一部分)
go round(绕着…运动) the Milky Way(银河系)
so far(到目前为止) take(leave) a message【带(留)口信】
none of(没有一个) so far(到目前为止) as…as