
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 09:28:26
The telemedical system spans a network comprised
of individual health monitoring systems that connect through the Internet to a medical server tier that
resides at the top of this hierarchy. The top tier, centered on a medical server, is optimized to service
hundreds or thousands of individual users, and encompasses a complex network of interconnected
services, medical personnel, and healthcare professionals.
The telemedical system spans a network comprised of individual health monitoring systems that connect through the Internet to a medical server tier that resides at the top of this ierarchy.The top tier, centered on a medical server, is optimized to service hundreds or thousands of individual users, and encompasses a complex network of interconnected services, medical personnel, and healthcare professionals

对于楼主的问题,我竭尽全力回答,力求清晰。但这段话实在太拗口了。。。所以可能有点费解。而且medical server tier 应该是个专业词汇,我对tier这个词百思不得其解,只能先写在这里了。希望我下面的文字能对楼主有所帮助吧




