中译英几句话 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 08:05:02

直译:What are you busy with recently?
信中一般不这么说,意译:How is everything going?

直译: Why not write to me?
意译:We have been out of touch for several months.(一般这样对方自然会回复不写信的原因)

译:Did the new term get started?

译: Looking forward to hearing from you!

What are you busy recently? Why didn't you write me? Has you school started? I look forward to your letter.

what are you busy with recently?
why don't you write to me?
has the new term begun?
i'm looking forward to your reply.

1. What's up 是比较口语化,比较地道的表达方式。也可以说:How is everything going? How you've been doing lately?

2. I haven't heared from you for a long time.的说话更委婉。而直接一点的话会感觉比较生硬,有强加他人的意味:why don't you write to me?不建议使用

3. Has the school months come?

4. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.是很标准的信件用语。也可以加强语气:I'm really looking forward to hearing from yo