谁来帮我改下 英语作文 很短

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:17:40
朋友让我帮他改 我实在不行了 .....帮下忙把 在线等
我截取的一部分 只一段
They work together to repair the electrity faclities and restore transport . people are very concerned about the safety of people in the diasaster areas . the local goverment in the army and the National people's concern for the help . Stricken areas return to normal very grateful to people inthe diasaster areas to help their people
我知道很糟糕 所以看不下去了
找到一处错误 加10分 谢谢

electric facilities.
disaster area 的说法不对,应该用disaater的形容词disastrous.
第一句最后一个词transport应该为transportation. 不过,这个短语应该说成restore transportation to normal order。

quake-atricken areas return to normal and the people in the disastrous area are very grateful to those who have helped them.

the safety of the people in the quake-hit/disastrous area is the great concern for the local government.

electric facilities 每句开头得大写第一个字母。Soldiers and volunteers come to help the people.Due to the help of them the situation of disaster areas return to normal.