
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:31:18
我是自己在家没事玩美服魔兽世界的,昨天帐号被永久封停了,哪位英语达人能帮忙写封要回帐号的信,他们封我帐号的理由是经济开发,还有我前天刚花29.99美元冲了2个月的游戏时间,请在邮件中质疑一下他们的封号系统 还有说我刚花了钱冲了游戏时间,他们就封停我的帐号,我认为这是在抢劫!我把分都给出来了,会写的帮帮忙吧!!!
****Notice of Account Closure****

Account Name: XXXXXX

Account Action: Closure
Reason for Action: Terms of Use Violation - Economy Exploitation

After a thorough investigation, we have found that a player of the account listed above participated in activities designed to gain an unfair advantage in the World of Warcraft economy.

These activities violate the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask that you take a moment to review these terms at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/termsofuse.html.

You may not perform any acts that we consider to be damaging to World of Warcraft. A stable economy is essential for any realm to be successful. Any at

To whom it may concern,

I'm the player and fans of WOW.But suddenly I found my account is invaild couple of days.WOW is just like my daily work.So I feel quite worried whether I could continue the game again.
So could you please help me to check my account status?
My account is as follow:写一下你的账号
I'd appreciate it very much if you could revert to me and tell me the reason a.s.a.p.WOW is just like my daily work.So I feel quite worried whether I could continue the game again.

Thanks and bgrds,xxx

