The new pen ____ I am using ____ is of high quality. A.which;it B.that;it C.with which;/ D./;

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 18:23:15

(___ I am using)是后置定语修饰The new pen,省略了that或 which;因为直接可以说use the new pen,所以不用加with

若题中using换成writing:The new pen ____ I am writing ____ is of high quality.那就选C,因为write with the new pen,不能省掉with,固定搭配

我怎么觉得是选D呢?(貌似LZ打错了,D是 /;/ 吗?)
I am using 作PEN的定语,是个定语从句,因为先行词PEN还原到从句中作宾语,所以可以省略。(从句本来是I am using the new pen。)

所以整句话主干是The new pen is of high quality(这支新钢笔质量很好),这就是完整句子了。所以第二个空也不填。

i'm using is of high quality.中间省略了一个that
i'm using that is of high quality