
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 19:53:34

着有一些文件,需要您签字。These are some documents that need your signature.
这次的文件有些特殊,我需要和您解释一下。They are special so I will explain.
您看这些日期,主要是从2006年1月到3月的,那个时候我还没有来这里工作Please look at the dates, they are mainly from January to March 2006, when I had not started working here.
也就是说负责这个工作的是其他员工。但是不知道什么原因,她当时没有及时处理这些文件,也没有和周围的同事说过有这些文件需要签字。。直到最后她离职离开了这里,她也没有提过还有一些文件没有签字,更没有人知道这些文件放在哪里了,包括我们的上司也对此事毫不知情。Someone else should be in charge of this matter. but I do not know why he did not settle the problem then, and why he never mentioned about it to his collegues. Even on the day he left, he told nobody about it. So no one knew where these documents were, even our boss knew nothing about it.
直到最近,我查找以前的旧文件时才无意中发现了这些文件,我已经把这个情况告诉我上司了。Untill recently I found them unconciously when i looked for old documents.
我已经把这个情况告诉我上司了。她说需要把这些文件重新补签一下字。你看,就是现在的这些文件。So i reported this situation to my boss. She told me that these documents need to be signed. Here you are, thes