I like English very much.But I don't know how can I lerning it well?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 04:07:17
Please give me some help

wow, u really need some help ..wrong spelling and wrong grammar in ur sentence = =!

just talk using english everyday as how you use chinese = =!

Memory more words.
Read more aticles.
Work hard!


Yes , that is the problem.
But , since you like it so profoundly , that is the key to succeed .
Following are my opinions :
1: keep new words in your memory ,as we all known , word is to article what brick is to house . but , how can we recite it better ?
when you look at on new word , you should read it for five to ten times . and then you should make it a sentence , so you can recite easily and firmly . For example :narcisisstic : Making up doesn't mean you are narcisisstic !(打扮并不是说你是自恋狂)。of course , you should use it as often as you can .
2:Please take enough attention to what our teacher have said to us,what our dear teacher have told us which setence should have a underline , what our smart teacher have sh