debate topics

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 06:57:45
i am looking for some topics for debating.i need some profound debate topics now the ones like:"is breakfast the most important meals?".it could be in the social,historial,political fields.i need more than 5.merci beaucoup!

  1. Mobile phones in school - should we ban them? 

  2. Should homework be banned?

  3. Do video games really cause bad behavior in children?

  4. Thanks to social networking, there is no face-to-face interaction?

  5. Superman, Spiderman, Batman - superheroes or misleading idols?

  6. Partial birth abortion should be illegal?

  7. It is never appropriate for the government to restrict freedom of speech?

  8. Performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed in sports?

  9. What impact does social networking and social networking sites have on society? Good or bad?

  10. Are humans to blame for certain animal extinctions?

  11. Should humans eat to live or live to eat?

  12. Should gay marriages be legalized?

  13. Do celebrities make for bad role models?

  14. Is peer pressure harmful or beneficial to individuals?
