急聘一名英语高手 写作文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 13:10:50
春节是中国的传统习俗,在中国,每个人都把这个节日看成是最重要的节日。无论身在哪里,都会回到家中跟家人团圆,春节的时候家人在一起看电视上的晚会,有些地方有的习俗是在午夜12点的时候吃饺子,每个地方的习俗都不太一样,但是过春节的气氛都是一样的高 。每个小孩子都会收到长辈的压岁钱。每个人都都很高兴。小孩子门可以去放烟花,长辈门在一起聊天,聊过去的一年和新的一年。

Spring Festival is China's traditional customs, in China, everyone regarded as the festival is the most important holiday. No matter where, will go home with their families, the Spring Festival, when families watch TV together on the show, in some places, some practices in the 12 o'clock midnight, when to eat dumpling, each local customs are not the same But the atmosphere over the Chinese New Year are the same high. Each child will receive lucky money elders. Everyone is very happy. Children can go to the fireworks display in door, door elders together to chat, chat over the past year and the new year.

Spring Festival is China's traditional customs, in China, everyone regarded as the festival is the most important holiday. No matter where, will go home with their families, the Spring Festival, when families watch TV together on the show, in some places, some practices in the 12 o'clock midnight, when to eat dumpling, each local customs are not the same But the