
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:14:14

do you know he is doing___in protecting the environment han anyone else in our class?
a.well b.good c.better d.best

i___a letter from him since he left.
a.didn't receive b.haven't go c.didn't have d.haven't heard

a bank operates a number of automaic teller machines(ATMs).the current model
the mark 2:is stocked with$20 and$50 notes only.so can only dispense the rrequested amounts that are combinations of these values.the $50 notes and $20 notes are kept in separate bins.
dispenses the minimum number of notes to fulfill a request.
which one of the following amounts can be dispensed by the mark 2?
a.$10 b.$30 c.$60 d.all of the above amounts can be dispensed

interpret the question briefly and choose the right answer.什么意思?

at one of the ATMs.the two bins containing the notes have accidentally been swapped,so now the ATM dispenses $50 notes instead of $20 no

第一题:首先这里有个短语do well in的用法,再练习句子中用到了比较级,所以这里应该选well的比较级 better.(c)

第二题:这世道完成时态的经典例句,看到句子中有since就要知道要用完成时态have done 的句型,安安应该在b,d之间。这里d是错误的,因为正确的短语结构应该为hear from sb.注意之间没有任何东西。b是正确的,你打错了吧,应该是haven't got 吧.(b)

第三题:interpret the question briefly and choose the right answer的意思是:简明扼要地翻译一下这个问题,然后选择正确的答案。问题的意思是:以下哪个数额的钱能够被mark 2分配? 因为题目中给出mark 2只储备有$20 和$50 两种金额,所以只有$60可以被分配.(c)

